Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Damn politicians

I am a student at UCT and right now, other students are campaigning for SRC membership. The SRC are the people who 'represent' us normal students to the more important people who actually run the university. The SRC members specialize in outraged disapproval, large, showy yet ineffective demonstrations, and generally promoting a 'being a student is the best time of your life' feeling. One member of the SRC has already been academically excluded - meaning that he failed to many times for comfort. The elections themselves are a training ground for future politicians. Already we are seeing flowery speeches which inadvertently repeat the same point over and over, empty promises presented as never-before-thought-of solutions, more showy yet ineffective demonstrations and people who can barely speak English! If I was a member of the SRC I would clean up our fountain (maybe give those graffiti artists some loose rein), get the radio station to play some decent music, make theatre and music shows compulsory (maybe the half-wits will learn something), force students who don't take their studies seriously to leave so that other more worthy-people can take their place and finally I would organize an annual Mock-the-fancy-universities day. On that day we will have an epic rowing race between Snotsford and Spambridge on our dodgy lake in dinghy boats, a clash of the sissies (american football) between Fale and Fartsvard and other assorted activities, ending with an epic party where champagne and caviar flow free. So there you are. For an SRC which harkens back to the glory days of the we-are-the-smartest-students-in-the-world university, vote for me. (unofficially of course).
Maybe I will run next year.
If the new SRC turn out to be as ineffective as the old one.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Something has come to my attention at the music store. The fact that many of these foreigners like to pretend as if they know more about music than we (the people who work there) do. My area of specialty is Rock, classical and vocals. I would love it if every customer who asked for my assistance wanted something out of those categories but of course that does not often happen. No matter how strange a request may be I always try to look for it. Occasionally I ask the customer for help. Something like: How do you spell that name? or What kind of music does he play?. Usually a customer responds in a helpful way. But some not. One particular woman responded to the latter question with "He is one of South Africa's best musicians." Let me state that it is a name that I had never heard of. No one else has ever asked for him before or since. I know South African rock and I know it well. Just because I don't know every obscure musician that South Africa has ever produced does not mean that I no nothing of SA music. I wish these foreigners would leave their snobbishness at home.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The myth of unrequited love

How agonizing it is to love alone. How amazing it is to feel your heart pound in your chest and know it is unlike any pounding before. Your heart plays on a different beat, sending different signals to your body. Signals for the blush to creep up over your cheeks. Signals for your nose to breath deeply and catch his scent. A scent of the sea, a whiff of surfboard wax, all mixed in with a little sweat. A scent to send the heart pounding even more franticly. Now a signal to the eyes; flash up and away to catch but a small glimpse before he notices. Because how agonizing is it not to love alone? But how can he not see? He must feel the heat rolling off my skin. Surely he hears my deep intake of breath when he passes. He feels my eyes on his back when he leaves. Doesn't he? The room shrinks back to it's proper size. Sound rushes back to my ears and my heart retreats, defeated. How agonizing...

Monday, October 12, 2009

Marvel motion comic competition

Finally the submission went through! Here is the link to the motion comic my brother animated for the Marvel competion. It is a part of a comic called Nova. Check it out and vote.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Working late

Good evening everyone. My brother (Rudolf) and I are working late on a project to be submitted before midnight central American time. The project is very cool. Marvel comics are running a competition for animators. They have provided a couple of comic strips and the task is to animate these static comics. One is a battle between Wolverine and The Hulk and the other is called Nova. Marvel has provided everything needed to complete the animation from soundtracks to effects. Finalists are given extra funds and two more weeks to complete the motiom comic and the winner gets $10000. Rudolf does the work and I provide moral support. It is a very mutually beneficial relationship. As we were working my brother mentioned how much he would like to sleep through the whole night for a change as opposed to working on this project. All I can think is thank goodness I have a valid reason to be awake at this time of night. I am not just lying there in the dark trying to count sheep (for some reason I can never get past 200), I am helping someone. Working late is in most cases considered to be a bad thing. But it can be a blessing to focus on something intricate and physical instead of grappling with the darkness of your mind. To shift the focus away from yourself and instead help out a friend. Maybe that is the cure to insomnia. To stop being selfish and reach out to others. Maybe I will sleep soundly after this is done. I pray that the upload of the file will be successful and on time.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Late night T.V

Late night television is most likely the worst kind of television out there. 200 channels and nothing to watch. This is the true destruction which the western civiliastion has unleashed. Worse than Mtv because usually you can just change to something better. But what if there is no better? What if you are stuck flipping between "A Double Shot At Love" and "Dr 90210" (seriously people, no-one wants to see that!) and Csi Miami (is Horatio dead yet?). Do these networks have any idea what kind of ratings can be gained by putting something decent on for the sleep deprived percentage of the population? And what is with the extra long ad breaks? Insomniacs have very short attention spans so we end changing the channel halfway through the break and then forgetting to change back. But, there is one ray of light: Disney channel. The combination of short and simple yet enjoysble plotlines, easy jokes and bright costumes, short ad breaks and funky theme songs creates the perfect channel for insomniacs. Hannah Montana, Wizards of Waverly whatever, Jack and Cody something and many others offer wonder refief from the horrors of late night T.V. Happy watching everyone.